Saturday, September 01, 2007

I'm hungry

It's 5 pm and I haven't eaten all day. I did sleep late and mom got me a large ice coffee, which has been keeping me going. But I just can't decide what to eat. This is one of the big problems I have with food and dieting. I know I should eat something like a salad or a veggie burger, but that's just so unappetizing right now! I'd rather not eat. Isn't that terrible. Ugh!

Not getting much done today. I'm hanging out in the living room with Grandma, Mom and Rocky, and surging on the laptop. We watched Year of the Dog before and it was a really cute, but a little sad, movie. It also has me feeling bad about eating meat, so that's another reason I haven't eaten anything! But it's a good one if you're an animal lover. Molly Shannon is the star and it's nice to see her in a serious role. And the movie was written and directed by Mike White, who is the guy behind one of my favorite movies School of Rock.

Think I'm going to goof off some more now on My Space. If you're on there an haven't added me as a friend yet, my user name is rmcabana!


Blogger Melinda said...

I'm the same way- would rather not eat at all if there isn't something I want available. Goofing off sounds fun! I've been working on some birthday party LOs for the twins- I started them two weeks ago and didn't get them done before I got sick.

We just got done watching "How to Eat Fried Worms"- I remember my grandmother reading the book to me one summer during one of my visits. Cute movie! though a little gross- probably isn't helping my appetite any either LOL!

I've got Hello on if you want to chat :)

September 01, 2007  

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